How to Benefit from Lemon Water
Lemon and water both have clarifying effects on the body. By drinking lemon water daily, you are helping your body to flush away harmful toxins.
Lemon water stimulates the elimination of toxins and waste products in your liver, helping to purify your digestive system.
Consuming lemon juice with hot water can relieve digestive problems, such as nausea, heartburn, parasites and constipation. Consuming lemon juice alone can relive hiccups.
Because lemon juice is high in vitamin C, lemon water can be used to relieve the symptoms of asthma, allergies, sore throats and tonsillitis.
Lemon juice is a diuretic. Lemon water, if consumed daily, can eventually help your body recover from urinary tract infections.
Lemon water has detoxifying properties--aiding the body in losing weight. Drinking lemon water alone will not cause you to lose weight. Diet and exercise is key, lemon water only helps by flushing the body of toxins.