Sources of Glutathione
Glutathione is an antioxidant that is naturally created in the cells. Its function is to neutralize the free radicals that can be caused by pollutants and toxins. Aside from its detoxification properties, glutathione strengthens the immune system by strengthening the mitochondria of the cells. It also ensures that vitamins C and E are maintained in their active forms and that the damage caused by oxidation is offset. Glutathione levels can be depleted when the liver is damaged. Some medicines prescribed to combat cancer and HIV can also lessen the amounts of glutathione in one's body.
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle, which is a type of herb related to the common daisy, is known to be a source of silymarin. This compound has the ability to prevent the liver from running low on glutathione. Silymarin works by protecting the liver from damage caused by various toxins, such as the amanita toxin and galactosamine. Milk thistle helps in supplying the body with the glutathione it needs by ensuring proper levels of production.
Eggs, which contain high amounts of amino acids, are thought of to be one of the best sources of glutathione. However, it may lose some of its potency when the eggs have been stored for long periods of time. Thus, eggs should be eaten fresh to maximize the amount of glutathione in them. Furthermore, food that is eaten raw contains the most significant amounts of glutathione. Heat-based processes such as cooking and pasteurization tend to lessen its concentration in foods.
Glutathione can be found in a variety of vegetables. One of the richest when it comes to this antioxidant is the asparagus. In 1992, the National Cancer Institute conducted research which indicated this vegetable contains the highest amounts of glutathione among fruits and vegetables. Other types of vegetation that contain glutathione include potatoes, carrots, onions and broccoli.
Turmeric is a type of spice that is popularly used as a flavoring and coloring agent in food. Long known for its medicinal properties, it is used to treat inflammation as well as diseases in the digestive system and liver. In fact, its use dates back several centuries, as far as early Chinese medicine. What makes turmeric an effective source of glutathione is its content of curcumin, a type of antioxidant which prevents the proliferation of free radicals. By protecting the liver, turmeric is able to stabilize the amounts of glutathione in the body.