Benefits From Coenzyme Q10
The chemical properties of Coenzyme Q10 are important for the proper functioning of organs and provides needed energy to cells, according to RxList.
Known Use
Scientific evidence suggests that Coenzyme Q10 is effective for treating mitochondrial disorders, congestive heart failure, Huntington's disease, high blood pressure, migraines, Parkinson's disease and muscular dystrophy. It also seems to decrease the risk of heart attacks and complications of bypass surgery, and improve the immune system of people with HIV, according to RxList.
Some herbalists utilize Coenzyme Q10 to treat other conditions for which there is no scientific evidence of effectiveness, including gum disease, diabetes, breast cancer, Lyme disease, angina, male infertility and heart inflammation.
Possible side effects of Coenzyme Q10 include stomachaches, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting and hypotension.
Taking smaller doses of Coenzyme Q10 two or three times per day may help decrease the side effects.