What Are the Benefits of Lignans?
Lignans contain alpha linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acid also found in other types of seeds and fish.
Alpha linolenic acid works to relieve inflammation, strengthen bones, reduce the amount of certain material that cause blood to coagulate, slow tumor growth and balance hormones.
Because of their many benefits, lignans are used in herbal medicine to treat a number of conditions, including high cholesterol, reduced kidney function caused by lupus, menopausal symptoms, blood clots, prostate cancer, diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Lignans are also believed to help prevent osteoporosis, according to Rx List.
Lignans have the potential to cause side effects in some patients, such as bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, stomachaches and nausea. Taking flaxseed with a full glass of water may help reduce these side effects, according to RxList.
If you have a history of bleeding disorders, high triglycerides, bowel obstruction or cancer of the uterus, breast or ovarian cancer, endometriosis or uterine fibroids, you should not take lignans, due to their possible side effects.