Fish Oil & Liver Disease
Diets high in fish oil can reduce your risk of liver disease.
Slowed Alcohol Metabolism
In one animal study, fish oil was found to slow the metabolism of alcohol in the liver, therefore reducing the risk of liver disease.
High-Sugar Diets
Research has shown that fish oil helps to prevent liver disease in high-sugar diets.
High-Fat Diets
However, researchers also found that fish oil added to a high-fat diet increases the incidence of a fatty liver and therefore may increase the risk of liver disease.
Comparative Benefits
Fish oil proved more effective in preventing liver disease than other types of oil, including safflower and and corn oil.
Liver Failure
Babies who must be provided with nutrition parenterally often suffer from liver failure. In 2005, it was discovered that when these babies are given fish oil intravenously, their livers begin to heal--to the point that they often no longer need liver transplants.