What Are the Best Supplements for HGH?
HGH supplements can come in pill form.
What is HGH?
HGH is a hormone found naturally in the body. HGH is synthesized, stored and secreted by the pituitary gland. It is clinically used to treat HGH deficiency in children and adults. According to HGHLook.com, some recent trials and therapies of HGH have studied its effects on weight loss, performance enhancement, building muscle mass, immune system function and various skin conditions.
Are HGH Supplements Necessary?
Supplementing with HGH is not necessary if your body produces the right amount of the hormone. As of 2009, research is currently being conducted about the effects of HGH on the aging process. According to HGHTruth.org, HGH levels decrease in the body after around age 21 or whenever your body stops growing. But the decline of HGH production in the body is slow and progressive, which is why we age at a normal rate and not drastically.
Types of Supplements
There are a few options on supplementing with HGH. Many websites, such as HGHLook.com, HGH9.com and HGHTruth.org, rate the type of supplements and different brands. According to these sites, you can take a pill, get an injection or use an oral spray. All three sites agreead that oral sprays are the least effective, if effective at all. HGH has not been shown to be absorbed through the membranes of the mouth; therefore, this method seems useless.
HGH Injections
Injections are another method of supplementing with HGH. Injections are a synthesized version of HGH and are only available through a prescription. This is the most expensive method, as insurance companies will not cover the cost of injections. Even though they are expensive, injections are the fastest way to get HGH circulating in the bloodstream.
HGH Oral Supplements
The pill form of supplemental HGH, or natural HGH "releasers" are the safest method. The pills are a combination of herbs that stimulate your pituitary gland to produce more HGH and are not an actual synthesized form of HGH. This is much safer than synthesized HGH found in oral sprays and injections.
HGH Pill Brands
GENF20 is one of the most popular brands of HGH pill supplements. Among the three websites that rated the brand, it turned up as the number one choice, as it is the cheapest and the GENF20 website states that it is manufactured at an FDA-approved lab. HGH Energizer also topped the lists as being affordable and providing the same results. GHR1000 is another brand that has been shown to have an 85 percent success rate, according to HGHLook.com.