What Is Enzyme Therapy?
In 1902, Scottish embryologist John Beard discovered the role that pancreatic enzymes play in helping the human embryo to fight cancer. More than two decades later, Dr. Edward Howell introduced digestive enzyme therapy to the United States.
Our bodies need raw materials to help replenish their supply of enzymes. Typically, we do not eat enough raw fruits and vegetables, thereby creating a deficiency. Enzyme supplements fill the void and improve overall health.
Enzyme therapy is used to treat allergies, skin disorders, digestive disorders, circulation, weight loss, and headaches. It also aids in the reduction of inflammation, scar tissue and viruses.
According to the Physicians Desktop Reference, there is no specific doctor that specializes in enzyme therapy. It is used in traditional and alternative medicine.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns that combining supplements, mixing them with medicines, or using them in place of prescribed medicine could lead to harmful results.