Does Oxy Powder Work?
Magnesium Oxide
Oxy-Powder lists the following ingredients on the label: ozonated magnesium oxides, organic germanium 132, natural citric acid, organic gum acacia and kosher certified vegetarian capsules. Magnesium oxide is an inorganic mineral--a rock, and because it has been "ozonated," there is an extra oxygen molecule attached to this compound which the makers of Oxy-Powder claim are released in your colon. This extra molecule of oxygen is supposed to stimulate your bowels to move by increasing the oxygen level in your bloodstream.
Naturally found in foods such as ginseng, aloe vera, shiitake mushrooms, broccoli, tomato juice, and garlic, germanium-132 has positive health benefits as a plant mineral. However, when minerals are isolated, they can lose their benefits. In the case of germanium-132, there is some concern that it is not safe for human consumption. Oxy-Power claims their germanium-132 is safe. Even if there was no question about the safety of germanium-132, the mineral is not an ingredient among traditional herbal recipes for bowel cleansing.
Citric Acid
Citric acid in its natural form, found in fresh citrus fruits, is very beneficial to the body. Fresh citrus fruits are not listed in Oxy-Powder ingredients. It is likely that powdered citric acid is being used, which is not natural at all. Oxy-Powder is using citric acid as a catalyst to aid in the oxygenation process and as a drawing agent for heavy metals. There are much more effective ways to draw heavy metals away from the body.
Organic Gum Acacia
Oxy-Powder lists organic gum acacia as one of its ingredients. The website states truthfully that it is used as an emulsifier and binding agent, but also claims that it may act as a "prebiotic" and "promote an organic lifestyle," which is not a function of bowel cleansing.
Vegetarian Capsules
Vegetarian capsules are, indeed, preferable to gel caps made from animal byproducts. However, even the best colon cleanse producers on the market admit that sometimes the capsules do not digest fully and may pass out of the body unopened. Gel caps, vegetarian or not, are not the most effective way to get colon cleanse products into the intestines.
Effective Herbs
The best colon cleanses on the market have two parts: a colon stimulator, which contracts the large intestines through peristaltic action and an intestinal "vacuum," which draws out old fecal material, toxins, drugs and heavy metals. The colon stimulator will contain most or all of these ingredients: aloe, senna, cascara sagrada, Oregon grape root, Hawaiian yellow ginger, garlic and habanero peppers. The intestinal vacuum will contain most of these ingredients to be effective: flax seed, pharmaceutical grade bentonite clay, apple pectin, activated charcoal, marshmallow root, psyllium seed, slippery elm, peppermint and cayenne.
Always check with a trusted medical professional before using any of these products.