Resveratrol Side Effects
What Is Resveratrol?
Resveratrol is an antioxidant that can be found in fruits such as grapes and grape juice, in peanuts and in several species of berries such as blueberries, bilberries and cranberries.
Adverse Effects
There is no known study to prove whether resveratrol has toxic or harmful effects on humans, although several clinical trials have been done up to this date. Though resveratrol may have potential side effects, not all are undesirable and the lack of research makes it impossible to determine its side effects or its true benefits.
What Are Its Supposed Benefits?
Resveratrol is believed to help prevent blood vessel damage, prevent certain diseases such as breast and skin cancers, reduce "bad" cholesterol, and aid in the prevention of blood clotting which can lead to heart disease.
Proof of Resveratrol's Health Benefits
Although the health benefits derived from using resveratrol may seem promising, adequate research has not been done to determine if it benefits the heart. Therefore, there has not been any real confirmation yet as to its true benefits.
Resveratrol as Nutritional Supplements
Due to the growing popularity of its many supposed benefits, resveratrol has now been marketed as a nutritional supplement. Because of the extensive media promotions, sales of the supplements have been enormous, even though there is no proof yet as to their usefulness.