Kefir Side Effects
Kefir is a fermented milk product. It contains yeast and actively growing bacteria. Kefir is thought to be more easily digested and has many positive effects on the digestive tract.
Stomach Upset
Kefir is thought to be safe for most individuals. The most common complaint is stomach cramping and constipation, especially when initially introducing Kefir into the diet.
Do not supplement your diet with Kefir if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as the safety in these cases is unknown. Since Kefir contains active bacteria growth those that have any condition that may cause suppression of the immune system should not use Kefir.
Drug Interactions
Do not use Kefir if you are taking any medications that is known to suppress the immune system. This is due to the fact that Kefir contains live yeast and bacteria. Our bodies' immune systems control bacteria and yeast in our bodies, to prevent infection. If you are taking any medication that decreases immune system function, Kefir will increase your chances of getting sick.
List Of Medications
Some medications that may contribute to adverse health effects when combined with Kefir are Zenapax, Deltasone or Orasone, and cyclosporin drugs such as Neoral. These are just a few medications, always check with your doctor if you are taking any medication, before supplementing your diet with Kefir.