Omega 3 Side Effects
Some people who use Omega 3 fish oil syrups complain about excessive burping and a fish-like aftertaste. This, understandably, puts some people off of using Omega 3 entirely. However, some people combat this problem by taking Omega 3 capsules instead of the fish syrups. The capsules don't leave any taste in the mouth.
Many people get their required Omega 3 the natural way--by eating an abundance of fish such as mackerel, tuna, salmon and sardines. One problem with this is the increasing mercury level in the ocean. Thus, consuming a lot of fish from the ocean could result in an increase of mercury and metals in the body. Many people prefer using the fish oils because of this reason.
Some people also report that taking Omega 3 fish oils causes stomach upset and pain. This is because consuming large amounts of fish oils can have a laxative effect. Many people lower their dosages of fish oils to avoid this from happening.
There is a rare yet harmful potential side effect of Omega 3. This side effect relates to the blood-thinning capabilities of Omega 3 fatty acids. Even though Omega 3 improves blood circulation and lessens incidences of blood clotting, it can be dangerous to those with bleeding issues or those on anticoagulant medications.
Thankfully, there are many ways in which adding Omega 3 to your diet can improve your health. There are only a few side effects, and most are relatively minor. There have never been any reports of Omega 3 fatty acids causing or triggering handicaps, death, disabilities or life-threatening ailments.