Rescue Remedy for Anxiety & Nervous Tension

Everyone who has suffered from anxiety or has a loved one who has knows that help is precious. There are invasive and noninvasive ways to solve this problem. There are powerful medicines and more natural remedies for solving. Rescue remedies are fast-acting, noninvasive and natural. They are also often less expensive than other cures.
  1. Herbal Remedies & Modern Science

    • There are a number of ways to treat anxiety. Some methods are behavioral. Others are medicinal. Taking deep breaths really does help if the anxious person was breathing too quickly or shallowly. Herbs and medicines from the pharmacy are now known to be closely related. Science sometimes proves herbalists wrong, but often enough, the old ways are confirmed, then modernized by scientists.

    Flower Essences

    • One perfect example of how herbalism has married science is found in the Bach brand flower essences. They use a moderate approach in terms of how much science acts on nature to get results. Rock Rose reduces terror and panic; Impatiens soothes irritation and impatience; Clematis rectifies inattentiveness; and the Cherry Plum can help with irrational thoughts. Flower essences claim to be effective in 15 minutes or less.

    Amino Acids

    • There are other marketers of rescue remedies who use pills formulated from the underlying molecules found to bring the greatest relief from stress, or distress. One of the main ingredients in all the herbs known to be most effective in calming peoples' nerves is L- theanine. It is possible to buy pills made almost exclusively of this, over the counter. These pills are also fast acting.

    Chinese Herbalism

    • The Chinese have conducted thorough research on anxiety and on many others. They have figured out that even anxiety that has developed to the point of being a mental disorder can be resolved in six months with the proper therapeutic regimen of herbs. The herbs are designed to treat major organs so that they are in the best working order. This is done for all relevant systems until the person is cured.

    St. John's Wort & Teas

    • Another quick fix to anxiety is to drink a strong tea made of St. John's wort herb. In an emergency just eat some of it. This is an inexpensive herb readily accessible to Westerners. For a longer term solution, regularly drinking teas that have this herb, or chamomile will help people to maintain a more soothed state of being. Naturally, the first step in relief is to know that even intense anxiety can be resolved.

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