Reasons to Use a Digestive Enzyme
When digestion is incomplete, food particles may pass through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream as whole proteins, where they are attacked by the immune system. This sets up inflammatory reactions to some foods and results in acquired food allergies. For this reason, food allergies tend to be triggered by frequently eaten (much-loved) foods. Pancreatic enzyme supplements prevent allergies by breaking down proteins more completely. When taken on an empty stomach, they may even cross into the bloodstream and have a preventive action there. A rotation diet, accomplished by using a variety of foods and not eating the same things day after day, also reduces the likelihood of food allergies.
Improved digestion of nutrients from taking enzyme supplements corrects malnutrition from poor absorption that triggers hunger. Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down fat and carries it out through the bowel. Protease, another enzyme, breaks down proteins and eliminates toxins that are stored in fat cells. The enzyme amylase breaks down starches and sugars. Results from adding digestive enzymes to a weight-loss plan may take several weeks.
Enzymes are required for several processes in the body. The body's production of enzymes is limited; nature intended humans to replenish enzymes with raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Sprouted seeds have the highest enzyme content. As overcooked and overprocessed foods dominate the diet, humans begin to age from lack of enzymatic actions that keep the body healthy and young. Papain, from papayas, and bromelain, from pineapples, are enzymes that reduce inflammation anywhere in the body, including joints. Pancreatic enzymes eliminate infective viral and bacterial organisms and are used in naturopathic treatments for ulcers, multiple sclerosis and cancer.
Many people become intolerant of foods they used to be able to eat and enjoy. Lactase is an enzyme available in supplement form that digests milk sugars, making it possible for lactose-intolerant individuals to eat dairy products without pain and diarrhea. Alpha-galactosidase enzyme (aspergillus niger) eliminates indigestion caused by cooked beans.
To preserve digestive enzymes in food, lightly steam, stew or use a slow-cooker. Heat over 118F begins to destroy enzymes. Avoid overcooked or overprocessed foods. A diet of 50 percent raw vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds is associated with longer life and lower incidences of diseases of aging including cancer and heart disease. Soaking or sprouting nuts and seeds increases their enzyme content and makes them more digestible. Eat fruit alone, on an empty stomach and do not mix proteins with starches or fats as the enzymes necessary to digest one type of food inhibits enzymes needed to digest another. Nonstarchy and dark-green leafy vegetables such as romaine lettuce, spinach and kale combine well with all other foods.