Sun Chlorella Benefits

Sun chlorella is a variety of microscopic freshwater green algae. The fossil records tell us chlorella has existed since pre-Cambrian times but humans didn't discover it until the nineteenth century. Chlorella is the first form of life to be classified as a eukaryote, an organism that has a discernible nucleus. To promote maximum digestibility, enabling the body to reap the plethora of health benefits offered by chlorella, the cell wall must be broken down prior to ingestion.
  1. Nutrition

    • Chlorella is high in antioxidants, molecules that prevent the formation of cell damaging free radicals, including chlorophyll, chlorella growth factor (CGF), beta-carotene and vitamins E and C. Chlorella is also a good source of protein, fiber, eight essential amino acids, omega fatty acids, lutein and B vitamins. Chlorella contains the following minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, copper, iron, zinc and iodine. Amounts of each substance vary because due to biological variations.


    • Chlorophyll has purifying properties concerning the liver and bowels and removes waste products, parasites and bacteria from the blood. Chlorophyll assists the body in maintaining a homeostatic state by lowing acid levels and promotes mental function by feeding the brain neural proteins.

    Chlorella Growth Factor

    • CGF is a compound found only in chlorella that contains amino acids, peptides, vitamins, sugars, proteins, nucleic acids and polysaccharides. This combination of substances promotes optimum, even accelerated, cell growth. CGF is a rare substance that varies in potency depending on growing conditions. Current research cannot account for the mechanism of action behind CGF.

    Cell Wall

    • The outer cell wall of chlorella is tough, composed primarily of cellulose and has enabled chlorella to survive for billions of years. The human body cannot digest this cellulose but when broken down, this wall aids elimination by initiating muscular contractions of the large bowel while binding the stool and any toxins present together and passing it out of the body.

    Preventative Treatment

    • Randall E. Merchant, Ph.D. from Virginia Commonwealth University has studied the effects of chlorella on humans. According to Dr. Merchant the chlorella does not cure disease but aids in restoring unbalanced nutrition. This restoration prevents further illness and disease complications.

    Global Warming

    • The benefits of chlorella do not stop with human health and nutrition. Before mankind, chlorella absorbed carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and produced oxygen with it.

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