Whey Side Effects
Whey protein is a very nutritious type of protein powder that is derived from cows' milk. Although most people do not experience negative reactions while using whey, there are several side effects that can impact a small minority of whey consumers.-
Some users of whey protein have reported headaches and cramps as a result of the supplement.
A number of people using whey have found a loss of appetite while conversely exhibiting a greater than average thirst.
Some people also have digestive problems associated with whey protein, including frequent bowel movements and bloating.
Lactose Intolerance
Unrefined whey protein can contain lactose, thus making people who are lactose intolerant susceptible to additional side effects. These symptoms can include itching, rashes, diarrhea, vomiting and shortness of breath.
Caution With Whey
Since it is impossible to predict any side effects that whey protein might cause you, it is important to be cautious when first trying whey. Note any abnormalities that occur after you ingest whey, and keep them in mind to detect whether you may have an allergy.