Side Effects of Coleus Forskohlii
Coleus forskohlii is increasingly included in weight-loss supplements, as it is claimed to stimulate metabolism and prevent development of fatty tissue. Forskolin also may inhibit histamine release, increase thyroid function and promote cardiovascular health.
Expert Insight
Baylor University researchers found no clinically significant side effects from Coleus forskohlii supplementation in a study published in a 2005 issue of the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.
Reported Side Effects
Low blood pressure (hypotension) and rapid heart rate (tachycardia) have been reported by some Coleus forskohlii users, according to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
Some people may have allergic skin reactions to Coleus forskohlii. People with stomach ulcers should not take this herb because it can increase stomach-acid levels.
Drug Interactions
Coleus forskohlii can interact with drugs used to treat certain health conditions. These include drugs for allergies, colds, asthma, heart disease and high blood pressure.