Anabolic Whey Protein & Its Uses
Muscle Repair
Since protein forms the building blocks of muscle, and resistance training (weight lifting) causes micro-tears in the muscle fibers, additional protein consumption bolsters the tissue repair. Anabolic protein is purported to increase this effect, much more so than the standard whey protein. Anabolic protein contains the addition of "micellar" casein, a milk derived protein, and protein from egg whites. It is believed that the combination of these dietary proteins have stronger muscle bulking abilities than amino acid supplements, a favorite among bodybuilders.
Strength Gains
Since the bodybuilders who use anabolic whey have faster recovery times due to the muscle repair capability of the supplement, it is believed that faster strength gains can made over the use of ordinary whey. By drinking the anabolic protein, time out of the gym or time in between the training of a certain body part is decreased, thus the lifter can work out more frequently.
Meal Replacement
As with many similar supplements, anabolic whey protein is manufactured with an appropriate balance of the other macronutrients (fats and carbohydrates). The protein can easily be mixed with water or low-fat milk, or blended with fresh fruits and/or peanut butter to create a "meal" that would have calories proportionate to the standard low-fat, high-protein, low-carb meal favored by bodybuilders. These shakes are usually consumed once or twice daily to bolster protein consumption to produce the desired effect of the aforementioned benefits.
Anabolic protein is touted to contain enough of the RDA's recommended amounts of daily minerals like calcium and magnesium, which are said to aid in the digestive process as well as having muscle building capabilities. This will help keep the digestive and excretory systems functioning with more regularity.
Despite anabolic whey protein's uses and claims, it (and all bodybuilding and nutritional supplements) aren't regulated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). The agreement between the manufacturers and FDA allows the supplements to claim any positive effects of their product but must not advocate the use of their product to treat any illness or disease. While there's no known negative effect of using anabolic whey, consumers should use discretion when taking any supplement.