Gaspari SizeOn Side Effects
Dehydration can occur from using Gaspari SizeOn. Dehydration from products containing creatine, such as Gaspari SizeOn, occurs when the body draws too much water away from organ tissue and stores it in muscle and fat tissue. If the water that was drawn away is not replaced, dehydration occurs. To replace water drawn away from organ tissues, consume more fluids (especially water). Do not work out while dehydrated, as it can lead to heat exhaustion. If heat exhaustion is not watched closely or ignored, it can lead to heat stroke or heart attack.
Water Retention
Water retention is another possible side effect of Gaspari SizeOn. The creatine in Gaspari SizeOn will cause muscle and fat tissue to retain more water than normal. Some of the muscle size increase associated with the use of products containing creatine is actually excess water. If too much Gaspari SizeOn is used, bloating can occur as a result. To help reduce the chance of bloating occurring while using Gaspari SizeOn, make sure to follow a low-sodium diet, as high sodium intake also causes water retention.
Stress On The Kidneys
When Gaspari SizeOn is used in the amount recommended on the packaging, it should not cause excess strain on the kidneys. However, exceeding the dosage amount can cause the kidneys to work harder, due to the fact that they must filter the excess creatine out of the bloodstream. People with preexisting health conditions that affect the kidney should consult their physician before use. In rare instances, too much stress on the kidneys can lead to kidney failure.
Gastrointestinal Distress
Gastrointestinal distress is a commonly reported side effect of using products that contain creatine. Gastrointestinal stress includes diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps and excess flatulence. These side effects happen because excess creatine in the body will draw water to wherever it settles, including the stomach. Take Gaspari SizeOn with a 16-ounce glass of water or juice and follow the dosing instructions to help avoid gastrointestinal distress.
Muscle Cramping
Muscle cramping may occur from using Gaspari SizeOn. Increase fluid consumption while using any product that contains creatine. This will help avoid excess water retention and will make the possibility of dehydration far less likely. Dehydration is a leading cause of muscle cramping and fatigue. Do not work out with muscle cramps, as it can lead to muscle tears, ligament damage and sprains.