Side Effects of Muscletech
Water Retention
Products that contain creatine, such as Muscle Tech, can cause water retention. Creatine causes water to be drawn to both muscle and fat tissue. This causes swelling throughout the body, particularly in the muscle and fat tissues where the creatine is being stored. This swelling of muscles leads to the perception that drastic muscle growth has occurred quickly from use, when in fact large percentage of the volume in the muscle is actually water. Using too much of the Muscletech product can lead to bloating. In addition, make sure to follow a low- sodium diet while taking Muscletech, as too much sodium can also cause water retention.
Dehydration may occur from the use of Muscletech. Dehydration occurs because too much water is drawn away from organ tissue and is drawn to muscle and fat tissue. Avoid dehydration while using Muscletech by consuming plenty of fluids. Make sure you are well hydrated before any workout or exercise routine, as dehydration can lead to heat exhaustion, which can cause heat stroke and even heart attacks.
Muscle Cramping And Injury
Muscle cramping may occur when using Muscletech. Make sure to follow the dosing instructions on the packaging and do not take more than recommended. Excess creatine in the body can cause dehydration, which can cause muscle cramping. Do not exercise with cramped muscles, as it makes you more likely to tear a muscle, damage ligaments, and makes you more susceptible to sprains. Avoid muscle cramping by increasing fluid intake while you are using Muscletech.
Stress on the Kidneys
Taking too much of the Muscletech supplement can cause added stress on the kidneys, because the kidneys must work harder to remove excess creatine from the bloodstream. If you have a preexisting health condition affecting the kidneys, do not use Muscletech until consulting your doctor to make sure it is safe for you to use. Too much stress on the kidneys can cause fatigue, and in extreme cases, kidney failure.
Gastrointestinal Distress
Gastrointestinal distress is a possible side effect of Muscletech use. Signs of gastrointestinal distress include diarrhea, nausea, excess flatulence, and stomach cramping. The gastrointestinal distress generally occurs from excess creatine settling in the stomach before it is excreted. These side effects can generally be avoided by consuming Muscletech with 16 oz. of water or juice.