Weight Loss With Hoodia
The Hoodia Gordonii plant is grown in the South African desert. It has been reported that the Bushmen of this area, used Hoodia on long journeys. They found that by ingesting Hoodia, they could go longer without experiencing hunger. They also felt that it gave them more energy.
Hoodia contains a molecule called P57. This molecule is responsible for appetite suppression. P57 works by sending a signal to the brain that it is full, therefore reducing your desire to eat.
Many Hoodia supplements are available on the market today. The company Phytopharm was the first company apply for a patent using the P57 molecule. Patents were granted in the United States, United Kingdom, Europe and Japan. The scientists at Phytopharm are concerned that companies are making false claims about the purity of the Hoodia in their products. These scientists say this is due to the fact that pure South African Hoodia is relatively scarce.
The company Phytopharm has spent more than $18 million in Hoodia research. The research studies have concluded that the average obese person consumes about 1,000 calories less while using its Hoodia supplement.
It is important to note that these studies have been conducted by the company, which manufactures and sells the Hoodia dietary supplement. There have not been well documented independent studies performed by outside agencies.
Hoodia has no known adverse side effects, and is affordable. The average price for Hoodia P57 is around $49.99 for a 30-day supply. It may be worth trying to see if it works well for you. However, there are no magic pills when it comes to losing weight. Diet and exercise are the key to success to long term weight loss and weight management.