Are Fish Oil Capsules Good for Skin & Hair?
Fish oil is derived from fatty, cold-water fish such as mackerel, tuna, cod and salmon, and capsules of this valuable substance contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids. The two main types of oils are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), both of which contribute to nervous system development, better eyesight, the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, healthy, vibrant skin and softer, smoother hair.
Fish oil capsules function by working with the body's natural chemical receptors and circadian rhythms and increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in the body. Numerous studies have shown that higher amounts of omega-3 fatty acids are good for overall health, as well as that of hair and skin.
Taking fish oil also increases production of collagen in the skin and helps hair grow faster and healthier. It is also believed to calm aggressive feelings and have a beneficial effect on arthritis.
By increasing production of collagen and acting as an anti-inflammatory agent, fish oil helps reduce wrinkles and and promotes youthful-looking skin. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids also contributes to healthier, more lustrous locks, because when powerful nutrients are present in the body they extend to hair.
Fish oil consumption also helps fight such diseases as rheumatism, depression and Alzheimer's, according to studies done by Louisiana State University.
As with any dietary or medical supplement, you should discuss your plans with your doctor before beginning to take fish oil supplements. While there are no obvious health risks associated with taking fish oil capsules or an omega-3 supplement, taking too much could result in allergic reactions.