Black Walnut Hull Cleanse for Parasites
Parasite Symptoms
Most humans are hosts to parasites. Symptoms include digestive problems, gastrointestinal problems, joint pain, increased instances of infection, allergies, skin problems and post-meal fatigue. Take black walnut hull if you suffer from ringworms, pinworms, roundworms or tapeworms. Parasites are highly contagious, especially pinworms. If you live with other people, be sure to treat them for parasites too, as they are most likely infected.
You can take black walnut hull in capsule form or in liquid form. Take it on an empty stomach approximately 15 minutes before your next meal. On, Dr. William Cowden recommends taking one black walnut hull capsule twice a day. Gradually increase the dosage each day until you are taking six capsules, three times a day by day seven of treatment. For days eight to 14, take two capsules, three times daily.
The total time to cleanse the body of parasites should be about 10 to 14 days. However, you may choose to take a one-week break after the cycle is completed, and then continue with black walnut hull for another 10 to 14 days.
Black walnut hull will kill parasites in their adult form. Make sure that your black walnut hull extract or capsules are taken from green hulls that have not ripened. If the hull has turned black or is decaying, it will be ineffective in removing parasites. Make sure to drink plenty of water in order to flush parasites out of the body.
You should not have side effects from using black walnut hull. However, if taken in conjunction with some medications, you may have chest pain, hives or difficulty breathing. Some people can develop an allergy to black walnut hull.
To begin a cleanse, purchase black walnut hull at a health food store or on the Internet. For the best results, it is commonly used in combination with two other herbs, cloves and wormwood. The black walnut hull and wormwood kill adult parasites, while the cloves take care of the eggs.