How to Do a Metabolic Cleanse
Purchase Metabolic Cleanse from a nutritional supplement retailer. You can check at retail locations like GNC or shop for the product online. An example of a web store that carries Metabolic Cleanse is Naturamart.
Plan to detox with Metabolic Cleanse for a three-week period. During this time, you may want to consider eliminating known allergens, such as nuts, milk and wheat.
Add one scoop of Metabolic Cleanse to 8 oz. of liquid. Mix the powder with water or a non-carbonated beverage. Plan to consume Metabolic Cleanse one to two times daily during the three-week detox.
Increase your water intake while using Metabolic Cleanse. Drink a minimum of six to eight glasses of water a day.
Consider taking detoxification capsules while using Metabolic Cleanse. For the three-week detox, Douglas Labs also recommends that you use its line of detox capsules. The first week, you will take one capsule of Ultra-D Tox before each meal. Use one tablet of Livdetox the second week with each meal and the same dosage with De-Mer-Tox for the third week.