Fish Oils & Learning for Children
About Fish Oil
Fish oil offers a high dose of omega-3 fatty acids, which offer such varied health benefits as increased concentration, relief from depression and improved heart health. Eating naturally oily fish, such as sardines or mackerel, also offers high doses of omega-3 that aids children's concentration.
Fish Oil and Concentration
A study by the Durham Local Educational Authority showed that omega-3 oils have a beneficial effect on the attention span of children suffering from ADHD. The Durham researchers noticed an improvement in concentration of 33 percent, with additional improvements in curbing restlessness and acting out in class. Children taking a placebo pill showed the same positive learning changes after switching to the fish oil pill.
Fish Oil and Learning
Fish oil's learning benefits stem from its components of docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, and eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA. DHA aids infant brain development and, according to a 2008 report in The New York Times, is in short supply in children diagnosed with ADHD. Many studies like the Durham one have found an improvement in learning and behavior directly linked to fish oil supplements for children. The New York Times report also noted that fish oil offers relief from mood and development disorders that plague many youths.
Fish oil is available in both capsule and liquid form. Since the capsules don't have a fishy odor, they are recommended for children instead of the liquid. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil supplements are not a natural byproduct of the fish, but something that fish accumulate when eating nutrient-rich algae. For children with fish allergies or vegetarian diets, there are vegetarian tablets available that offer the same omega-3 benefits.
While there is no recommended daily fish oil dose, most manufacturers advice a daily dose of 500mg to 1,000mg of fish oil, or one to two capsules. The FDA does not recommend a daily fish oil dose as of 2009 but does state that no person should exceed a daily fish oil dose of 3,000mg a day.
Fish oil can thin the blood, impacting the body's natural ability to clot, so families should talk with a doctor if they want to put their child on a dose greater than 1,000mg per day.