Supplements That Cure Alcoholism
Carnitine, Glutathione and Gluatamine
Consuming supplements of Carnitine, Glutathione and Gluatamine can diminish your cravings for alcohol. This combination also helps regulate blood sugar levels so that you experience less fatigue and mental confusion. You also can manage stress levels with greater ease, as stress is often a trigger that causes you to drink more in order to escape stressful situations.
Take one 500 milligram capsule of a Carnitine, Glutathione and Gluatamine combination each day to diminish alcohol cravings, balance your blood sugar levels and promote mental clarity. Carnitine should not be consumed without the consent of a physician if you have developed alcohol-related liver disease.
Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
When you consume a lot of alcohol, the amount of Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid (GABA) in your brain is reduced. This chemical, when significantly lowered, increases your impulsivity. By taking a supplement of GABA, you can help reduce your impulsivity and rebalance your brain chemistry. Take two 1,000 milligram GABA capsules twice a day to help rebalance your natural brain chemistry.
Vitamin A
If you are abusing alcohol, it is likely that you are vitamin A deficient. Therefore, you might develop night vision difficulties, dry eyes and skin complications. Do not take more than the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin A, since it can lead to liver conditions. Adult males require no more than 900 micrograms of vitamin A per day, and females need 700 micrograms daily for optimal health.
Vitamin B1
If you are suffering from withdrawal because you have given up drinking, you may become deficient in vitamin B1 or thiamine. A vitamin B1 deficiency can lead to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is a brain disorder associated with the onset of dementia. Males ages 19 and older require 1.2 milligrams of vitamin B1 daily, and females over 19 need 1.1 milligrams of vitamin B1 a day for optimal health. If your doctor prescribes a thiamine supplement, the dosages might be higher. You can safely take 50 to 100 milligrams per day of a vitamin B1 supplement.