Acai Berry Colon Cleanse
How it Works
Acai is prized for containing large amounts of anthocyanins and flavonoids. These two components are powerful antioxidants believed to help protect cells in the human body. Anthocyanins and flavonoids also are believed to help cleanse the body. Acai berries are prized do to their believed ability to flush out toxins from the colon.
Nutritional Value
Acai berries also contain powerful antioxidants. These berries also contain high concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids. A preliminary study from the University of Florida noted that Acai might have the capability to destroy cancerous cells. In the study, Acai extract killed between 35 to 85 percent of various cancer cells in different test cases.
Acai Colon Cleanse Diet
The Acai Colon Cleanse Diet consists of incorporating Acai products into your diet. Acai should be consumed with two meals each day for best results. Acai can be made into milk shakes, fruit salads, or even into baked goods. Acai should always be eaten to coincide with a healthy diet. A company by the name of Sambazon harvests Acai berries grinds them to a pulp and freezes the nutrient-rich berries. The packets can easily be made into a milkshake or smoothie, which makes a filling, nutritious breakfast, or as a dessert.
These products can be purchased at specialty health food stores and online at the product's official website. Acai also comes in many other forms: the whole berry, powders, capsules, and mixed in with other foods. The best way to consume Acai is in the freshest form. Whole berry, frozen Sambozen products, and juice will provide the most health benefits from the powerful berry.