Educational Information on Lactobacillus Acidophilus
Acidophilus was discovered in 1908 along with several other strains of probiotics by Dr. Eli Metchnikoff, a microbiologist working at the Pasteur Institute in France. Probiotics were originally identified during research focused on fermented dairy products. Metchnikoff noted that the bacterial organisms living in the dairy products had the ability to neutralize heavily acidic pH is and aid in the digestion of the rotting material. Metchnikoff's research spawned a serious investigation into the bacterium and in 1953 the term probiotics was coined to refer to helpful gut bacteria, including acidophilus. Today, there are over 20 strains of probiotics identified.
Lactobacillus acidophilus colonies in the digestive tract can become depleted over time due to a variety of circumstances. Prolonged illness, poor nutrition, and the abuse of certain medications such as laxatives and heartburn tablets can reduce the number of microorganisms and create distinctive issues. The characteristic symptoms of depleted acidophilus colonies include constipation or diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, and abdominal bloating.
However, it is possible to overcome elements that deplete acidophilus resources by ingesting acidophilus on a daily basis. One way to maintain acidophilus colonies is to take a dietary supplement filled with live cultures. These supplements are best kept in the refrigerator to extend the life of the bacteria. Another way to enhance existing colonies of acidophilus is by eating yogurts like Activia or DanActive which are infused with the microorganisms.
Acidophilus colonies in the stomach and intestines provide a host of benefits to humans, which range from better digestion to the prevention of certain types of disease. In the first few weeks, acidophilus can help restore digestive regularity and decrease bloating. After several months of use, acidophilus has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels and also help encourage immune system strength. There is some evidence to suggest that maintaining healthy levels of acidophilus also prevents against certain digestive cancers from developing.
In the first few weeks of use, acidophilus can cause several mild side effects like diarrhea or abdominal cramping, yet these discomforts decrease after several weeks of use. However, individuals who suffer from acute pancreatitis are strongly advised not to incorporate acidophilus into their diet as recent studies have suggested that causes a higher risk of mortality.