Magnesium, Calcium & Zinc for Foot Pain

The foot is the point of contact between the ground and the body. It consist of 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles. A quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet. {ersistent foot pain may imply symptoms of aggravated diseases like diabetes, bunions, calluses, damaged ligaments, fractures, arthritis and broken bones. Foot pain may also be a consequence of deficiency of magnesium, calcium and zinc in the body.
  1. Magnesium For Foot Pain

    • Magnesium helps in the assimilation of calcium. It is required by over 300 enzymes in the body. Equally important as calcium, magnesium helps the body to metabolize calcium and also coverts dietary vitamin D to an active form. Magnesium deficiency leads to brittle bones, osteoporosis, foot pain and muscle cramps.


    • An adequate magnesium supplement would be up to 1000 mg a day, and it is better absorbed with food. This would help to alleviate foot pain due to magnesium deficiency.


    • Calcium helps to maintain the strength and density of bones. Its deficiency forces the body to draw on calcium stores in the bones to maintain proper amount of calcium in blood concentration. It leads to osteoporosis and foot pain.


    • Food sources rich in calcium include yogurt, cow milk, cheese and Swiss chard. Supplement dosage may vary from 250 mg to 1000 mg, depending on age.


    • Zinc helps to maintain an optimal immune system. Deficiency in zinc can lead to an imbalance in immune system, leading to muscle and foot pain. If zinc levels are low, a dosage between 30 to 45 mg per day of zinc picolinate should be taken as supplements. However, it should be taken under the guidance of a doctor.

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