Catechin Weight Loss
Catechins Can Burn Abdomnial Fat
Provident Clinical Research studied the effect on a catechin-plus-caffeinated beverage (625 mg of catechins, 39mg caffeine) vs. a controlled beverage (39 mg caffeine only) on body composition and fat distribution in overweight and obese adults during exercise. The participants were given a random beverage and were asked to maintain a constant caloric intake combined with 180 minutes of moderate intensity workouts. Three off the workouts were supervised. After 12 weeks, the catechin group had the greater weight loss. The total fat mass did not differ between the two groups. However, the catechin group lost more total abdominal fat area (-7.7 vs. -0.3) and lost more subcutaneous fat (-6.2 vs. 0.8). Based on these results, it could be determined that catechins can be used to fight abdominal fat.
EGCg and Postmenopausal Women
The ATN Centre for Metabolic Fitness in South Australia conducted a study on possible metabolic effects of EGCg (150 mg; brand name Teavigo) and 38 postmenopausal women. The women exercised at a moderate intensity (walking at 75 percent of age heart rate) three times per week and took Teavigo or a placebo twice daily for 12 weeks.
At 0 and 12 weeks, the body composition and abdominal fat were measured. There was no difference between the groups when abdominal fat and intra-abdominal fat were measured. The Teavigo did reduce plasma glucose and decrease their resting heart rates. It was concluded that moderate EGCg can improve the health of overweight individuals undergoing regular exercise. Although, a loss of body fat may require a much higher concentrate of EGCg, catechins (similar to the above study) or a possible addition of metabolic stimulates.
EGCg Pilot Study With Obese Men
Michael Boschmann, University of Medicine, Berlin, conducted a randomized double-blind study in which six overweight men were given 300mg of EGCg for two days. Changes in energy expenditure and substrate oxidation were assessed. During the first postprandial phase, the respiratory quotient was lower with EGCg opposed to the placebo. Findings in this pilot study suggest that EGCg could increase fat oxidation in men, but a more in-depth study with a broader range of body mass index and age are needed.
These clinical studies show that catechins, specifically EGCg, could act as a weight loss aid. In two of the studies, the abdominal fat seemed to be the target site of the weight loss.
Seek the advice of your health care provider before you supplement with green tea, catechins or EGCg. These studies were done in a clinical setting, and results are not typical.