Can You Cure Adrenal Fatigue Through Supplements Only?
According to the Center for Nutritional Medicine, signs of adrenal fatigue include salt cravings, feeling dehydrated and thirsty, insomnia, anxiety and nervousness, a general feeling of exhaustion, low libido, weight gain or loss and hormonal imbalances.
Project Aware adds that if you have adrenal fatigue, you may also demonstrate an energy pattern of exhaustion in the morning and again in the middle of the afternoon, with a peak in energy after 6 p.m. and tired feelings again by 9 p.m. Other symptoms of adrenal fatigue can include increased PMS, mild depression, lethargy, weakness, confusion and alternating constipation and diarrhea.
According to Women to Women, your adrenal glands produce hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline, which are used to help you deal with acute stress situations. During the early history of humans, this "fight or flight" response was needed for momentary stressful situations. But in modern life, humans are stressed all the time. The adrenal glands can't keep up with producing hormones in correct quantities because they're always concentrating on sending out stress hormones to do battle. The result is adrenal fatigue.
Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue
To treat adrenal fatigue, you can use supplements, and although they will help with overall health and well-being, they will work better at combating adrenal fatigue when combined with other treatments.
Supplements for adrenal fatigue should include vitamin C, 2,000 to 4,000 mg per day; E, 800 IU per day; and B complex, as directed on package. These protect your immune system; restore energy and calm stressed-out feelings. If you're feeling depressed, a supplement of St. John's wort or SAMe can help lift your mood; follow dosage recommendation on package.
Dietary Changes to Treat Adrenal Fatigue
Another effective way to treat adrenal fatigue is to adjust your diet to include more whole grains and complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and olive, flax and fish oil. Emphasize vegetables and fruits, and be sure to get plenty of fiber. If you crave salt, use sea salt instead of regular table salt. Foods to avoid will include simple carbohydrates, processed sugar, caffeine and hydrogenated fats.
Lifestyle Changes
Your cure for adrenal fatigue should also include lifestyle changes, along with dietary changes and nutritional supplements. The areas of concentration are stress reduction, rest and exercise. Learn stress reduction techniques such as yoga or meditation. Try journaling, and incorporate relaxation and play into each day. Get the rest you need--give yourself a reasonable bedtime and wake-up time, and take a nap every day if you need one. Finally, get exercise every day. Exercise helps relieve stress, improve health and brighten your mood.