Do Multivitamins Make You Gain Weight?
Taking a multivitamin while trying to lose weight is very beneficial for overall health, and wellness. When people try to lose weight they tend to eat less which means that they may not get all of the nutrients their body needs. When you take a multivitamin you are giving your body extra insurance by giving your body vitamins and minerals needed for optimal health and weight loss.
While losing weight it is also important to eat plenty of whole foods that also contain vitamins such as carrots, apples, peaches, and other delicious vegetables. If you take your multivitamin with a healthy meal your body is better able to absorb the nutrients found in the vitamin pill because your body will get to work digesting the food as well as the vitamin. Taking vitamins without food may cause stomach upset.
Taking a multivitamin while losing weight is also good because the vitamins help maintain energy. Every cell in your body depends on nutrients in order to function properly, and remove wastes. In addition to taking a multivitamin it is also very important to stay hydrated so that the vitamins can be more effective. Water works as a transport system in your body by moving nutrients to your cells removing waste, and flushing toxins out through the kidneys.
Multivitamins contain nutrients that improve mood. When you feel good mentally and physically you are more likely to lose weight and keep it off. Our mental state is very important because when we are happy we naturally become more motivated to achieve our goals. Vitamin C, vitamin E and all the B vitamins help to improve mood because they speed up cell regeneration, and improve nervous system connections. In addition, taking fish oils can also have an impact on her mental health because they contain omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats lubricate our joints and improve brain function.
Multivitamins also contains specific nutrients that support a healthy metabolism. When our metabolism is running efficiently our body is better able to burn fat, resulting in a leaner figure. Vitamin B-2 improves energy and is needed for normal thyroid function. When vitamin B-2 is taken in combination with other B-vitamins, it works even better. Vitamin C also improves metabolic function become as it helps to convert glucose into energy.
Cell communication
Multivitamins also support weight loss because vitamins improve cell communication. Our cells are continually passing messages back and forth in order to do their job. When our cells are able to function properly our body works as an more efficient machine. Everything we do will become more effective when our cells are healthy.