Natural Vitamins for Stronger Nails
The human body does not produce vitamin C, which is essential for building healthy tissue that prevents hangnails and nail tissue swelling. Biotin is another crucial vitamin for growing strong nails that won't split or break. Even a marginal biotin deficiency can result in brittle nails. Vitamin A provides moisture to nails, ensuring that they are flexible and protected against breakage.
A vitamin deficiency can cause splitting and peeling nails; it is your body's way of telling you that it is missing essential nutrients. Taking natural vitamin supplements allows you to improve your nails and your health without the added responsibility of incorporating new foods into your diet. In addition to your stronger nails, extra energy and an improved immune system are benefits.
Taking vitamin C, biotin and vitamin A as separate supplements is one way to resolve the problem of weak nails. A multivitamin, however, is likely to be a more effective treatment. Both GNC and Vitamin Shoppe sell hair, skin and nails multivitamins that contain vitamins C and A, biotin, as well as Vitamin B complex, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, amino acids and herbs. Hair, Skin and Nails multivitamins can be purchased at most health food stores.
Vitamin deficiency is easily treated and can improve the overall appearance and strength of your nails. However, if you are not vitamin-deficient, it is improbable that taking a supplement will improve the condition of your nails. The human body is only meant to absorb so much of any single vitamin; your body will then dispose of the excess. Protein is often marketed as a nail strengthener---buyer beware. Unless you are a vegetarian, it is unlikely that you are protein-deficient.
Consult your health care professional before adding supplements to your diet. Problems with nails often denote serious problems that, if untreated, could result in permanent conditions or expensive treatments. While hair, skin and nails multivitamins contain supplements that have resulted in stronger nails, the multivitamins themselves are not FDA-approved.