How to Use Natural Hair Restoration to Regrow Hair
Growing hair naturally is usually best done as a preventative measure. While natural hair restoration is possible even after the fact, it's a good idea that you immediately take action the moment you start to notice a problem (although, most people do). Whether you're male or female, if you have a history of hair loss in your family, it's especially important that you take preventative measures even before hair loss becomes a problem. While you can't change your genetics (yet), you can nonetheless improve scalp conditions and encourage and stimulate hair growth.
If you'd like to grow your hair back naturally, read on to learn more about how to use natural hair restoration.
Make sure your scalp is clean and free of dandruff. If you have an oily scalp and/or any kind of problem with dandruff, use a strong dandruff shampoo, such as Nizoral, at least 3 times a week to keep your scalp healthy and clean. Some physicians believe that an inflamed scalp can prevent proper hair growth, so make sure you are keeping your scalp healthy.
Massage your scalp for about 10-15 minutes every time you wash your hair. This helps to stimulate hair growth by increasing blood flow (and thus, nutrients) to the scalp and hair follicles.
Do not use harsh chemicals on your hair, such as bleaching or hair dyes. Bleaching, especially, can do a lot of damage to your hair and even go so far as to make it fall out. More than that, extremely damaged hair or lots of breakage can make hair seem thinner and shorter.
Take a hair loss vitamin supplement to help boost your health and immune system and increase hair growth. Nutrients such as Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin A, folic acid, biotin, inositol, magnesium, zinc, et cetera, all promote hair growth. Deficiencies in these vitamins can cause patchy hair loss, and in the case of biotin and inositol, can cause total hair loss. Make sure you are not surpassing your daily recommended intake, however, as that can also cause hair loss as well.