Uses for Leucine
Increased Protein Consumption
There is interest in high-protein diets for greater weight loss. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) specifies the amount of protein required to maintain nitrogen balance. D.K. Layman, of the University of Illinois, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, has emerging evidence that shows that metabolic roles for amino acids may require more than minimum levels for protein synthesis. Leucine has roles in various metabolic functions. Protein is high in this amino acid and can promote hunger control. It can prove beneficial to substitute lean proteins for refined carbohydrates.
Branch-Chain Amino Acids and Liver Diseases
Branch-chain amino acids, including leucine, have been studied when given to patients with various liver diseases to help restore or prevent muscle degeneration. Giulio Marchesini of the University of Bologna in Bologna, Italy, found that the increased nitrogen balance promoted by the BCAA ingestion has been related to improved long-term survival rate in patients with cirrhosis. Furthermore, BCAA supplementation increased the prognosis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. All the above can be contributed by the apparent effect of BCAAs on hepatocyte growth.
Leucine and Low-Calorie Diets
Leucine interacts with the insulin signaling pathway, stimulating the downstream signal control of protein synthesis. This results in a retention of muscle protein during a period of restricted calorie intake. Leucine allows glucose to be efficiently used by the skeletal muscles. This regulates the way the muscles take up and burn glucose. This can provide a glucose-stable environment and low insulin responses in low-calorie diets.
The benefits of leucine are well documented. Leucine is a powerful amino acid that has a variety of roles within the human body. Leucine is well known as a nutritional sports supplement, but light is being shed of the various applications of leucine, such as liver dieases.
Please seek the advice of your health care provider before you supplement with leucine.