What Are the Benefits of Flax Seed Meal?
Flax seed meal offers a wealth of health benefits and is a wise addition to any diet. Milling or grinding flax seed releases its health benefits--whole seeds cannot be digested by the body. Flax seed meal offers high amounts of the dietary superstar omega-3 fatty acids as well as protein, dietary fiber and lignans. Studies show that flax seed meal may help in the fight against prostate and breast cancer, help lower cholesterol, improve digestive health and contribute to overall healthy living.-
What Makes Flax Seed Meal Special
Flax seed meal contains a number of super nutrients. It is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that must be obtained through the diet because it cannot be made by the human body. Nutritionists and researchers champion omega-3 fatty acids because research shows they play a pivotal role in preventing many health problems, including heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer. Their consumption has also been shown to improve mood and sharpen the memory. Although fish is an important source of omega-3s, flax seed meal proves to be one of the best vegetarian sources--each tablespoon contains about 1.8 grams.
Flax seed meal contains about far more lignans, a type of natural plant chemical, than other sources. These lignans possess antioxidant qualities.
Flax seed meal also has a great amount of fiber that helps regulate your digestive system and prevent constipation. The nutrition in flax seed helps improve the appearance of hair, nails and skin.
Two of the components of flax seed meal--omega-3s and lignans--seem to help combat certain types of cancer. Animal studies show that omega-3s can deter the development and growth of cancerous tumors. When flax seed is consumed, the human digestive tract converts its lignans into hormone-like substances that seem to block the action of certain cancer-causing substances. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Cancer Research in 2007 illustrated that flax seed counteracted the growth of tumors in mice. Other research suggests flax seed meal is particularly effective against colon, prostate and breast cancer. Antioxidants present in flax seed meal may also help contribute to its anti-cancer properties.
Effects on Cholesterol
Studies also show that flax seed meal may have the ability to help in weight management and the reduction of cholesterol. Flax seed meal reduced the cholesterol levels in rats significantly enough for researchers to conclude, in a study published in a 2003 volume Journal of the American College of Nutrition, that flax seed meal could provide a new therapeutic strategy for those with extremely high cholesterol or suffering from fatty liver.
Heart Disease
The omega-3s in flax seed meal can also help prevent hardening of the arteries, as noted in a study published in the journal Atherosclerosis in 1997. Hardening of the arteries and plaque buildup contributes to heart disease. In addition, a study involving several dozen men with mild high blood pressure, which was published in the Journal of Human Hypertension in 1990, suggests that flax seed oil may slightly lower blood pressure. More research needs to be done, but plant omega-3s have been shown to assist in maintaining the heart's natural rhythm. They may be useful in treating irregular heart beat and heart failure.
Tips for Using Flax Seed Meal
Whole flax seed lasts longer and costs less, so it might make sense to grind it yourself. The suggested dose is 1 to 2 tablespoons per day. The meal has the texture of cornmeal and tastes slightly nutty--it makes a great topping for cereals, yogurts and can be included in smoothies or as an ingredient in baked goods. Store ground flax seed in the freezer to prevent it from becoming rancid.
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