Whey & Soy Diet Plan
How Whey and Soy Protein Can Manage Weight Gain
There are no shortage of websites touting the wonders of a high protein diet for weight loss. Unfortunately, few understand the details as to why an increased protein intake helps dieters. Here's a simplified--though accurate--way of describing how protein works in this regard. More energy is required of the human body in digesting protein than in digesting other substances. As a result of the thermic effect--an increase of digestive energy which is greater than the caloric intake of the food being eaten--a person eating more protein than carbohydrates or fats winds up burning more calories after a protein meal.
Quality whey protein and soy protein products are pure, uncut with filers and needless preservatives and dyes.They also contain almost no fat or carbohydrates, which is imperative for losing and keeping off weight.
By lowering insulin levels, whey and soy protein are also effective in curbing youyr appetite.
How to Use Whey and Soy Protein For Weight Loss
Whey and soy protein powders contain anywhere from 10 to 30 g of protein per serving, with the majority of whey and soy protein powders offering 25 g of protein per serving. Depending on your weight, and your daily level of activity, the amount of protein needed will vary from person to person. Taking multiple servings of whey protein powder per day is not unheard of, although taking more than 135 g of protein per day is highly unusual, and possibly unsafe. There shouldn't be any need for taking more than 135 g of whey protein per day, even for a fit and active adult who's engaged in frequent, non-professional weight training.
Other Benefits of Whey and Soy Protein
According to a study conducted by the Arkansas Children's Nutritional Center, whey protein may possibly deter the growth of cancerous tumors. When lab rats were fed a steady diet of whey protein, they exhibited 50 percent less tumor growth than rats fed who were fed casein.
Whey and soy proteins are also effective in helping diabetics control blood glucose levels, as well as helping in controlling food intake by curbing the appetite. Furthermore, whey and soy proteins provide the amino acids necessary to maintain strong muscles--this is particularly true of anyone engaged in weight training--and help prevent bone density loss as people age.