Popular Daily Detox Teas
Benefits of Detox Teas
The food we eat fuels our body. However processed foods, proteins and fats can burden our digestive organs and make proper elimination of toxins difficult. Instead your body stores them in fat cells or in the walls of your colon through non-eliminated compressed fecal matter. If you have never done a detox or it has been some time, you may not be performing ideally. Chronic colds may plague you and you may have difficulty concentrating. Doing a more rigorous three to ten day detox will help clear your body of these toxins and will make daily detoxes more effective. If you are unable to do a more rigorous detox where whole food is eliminated from your diet for a period of time, then daily detox teas can help your body metabolize toxins. There are many teas with many properties that can help different body functions.
Teas for Liver Function
The liver stores glucose in the form of glycogen and manufactures bile. Glycogen stores are used for energy and bile is needed for the breakdown and digestion of food. Liver function can be hindered by a high fat, high protein diet when the liver must produce more bile to break the food down and eliminate it. If food or toxins are unable to be metabolized, they are stored in fat cells.
You can improve your liver function and help remove toxins by using several herbal teas. Green tea is one of the most popular daily teas to help promote liver health among its other many healthy properties. You can also create golden seal teas or mix it with your green tea. Milk thistle is another herbal tea that helps your liver cleanse and remain strong.
Diuretic Teas
Your kidneys filter the blood to maintain a proper chemical balance and pH within your body. They filter out toxins and eliminate them through urine. Your kidneys filter nearly 200 quarts of blood daily and eliminate nearly two quarts of waste. If your blood has high levels of toxins, this process may be burdened, leaving waste in the blood stream to affect your health.
Diuretics helps promote urine secretion. There are many herbal teas to help kidney function. Parsley is well known as a garnish but can be added to tea help blood cleansing. Adding cinnamon or ginger to your tea can give it a much different taste while promoting kidney function. Cardamon, licorice and sandalwood are other herbs used in daily teas for detoxification.
Digestive Tract Teas
Colon health is imperative to the proper elimination of fecal matter as well as the absorption of vital nutrients. If feces are not eliminated completely, you may have fecal matter stuck along the curves and lining of the colon. This not only keeps toxins within the body but prevents absorption of nutrients and minerals.
There are several popular teas that help with stomach and colon health by aiding in digestion. These include coriander, cumin and turmeric. These can be dried and used as teas on their own or added to other tea formulas.
Market Teas
Many herbals teas can be made at home by simply drying the herbs and steeping the crushed leaves in hot water. You may also add herbal spices to pre-packaged teas bought at a grocery or health food store. Most stores offer a wide variety of green or black teas to spice up. You may also purchase detox teas at vitamin or health food stores. Most of these are herbal formulas using many of the herbs already mentioned. The Daily Detox Tea by Wellements is a popular herbal blend. HDT Daily Detox Tea is popular with many body builders to cleanse from supplements that are hard on the organs.