Fish Oil For Rapid Hair Growth
Omega 3s
Fish oil is so beneficial, for one, because it contains Omega-3 essential fatty acids. The body needs essential fatty acids to function properly, but it doesn't make them on its own. If you have an essential fatty acid deficiency, you may experience poor hair growth, dry skin or wounds that are slow to heal.
Consuming more fish oil is known to alleviate some of those symptoms. The Omega 3s in fish oil can provide nutrients to the hair follicle, and give it more shine too.
The protein in fish is another component that could also aid in growing more hair. Most varieties of fish are rich in protein, which is vital for building muscle and growing hair.
Other Essential Fatty Acids
Fish oil provides the body with the essential fatty acids Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic (EPA), both known to provide a wealth of benefits. But fish oil does not provide another important essential fatty acid--alpha linolenic acid (ALA). ALA converts to EPA and DHA in the body, so some say supplements like flax oil, which contains ALA, are superior to fish oil for Omega-3 content. There are many products on the market that provide Omega 3, 6 and 9 in one supplement. To maximize the potential benefits from Omega 3s, it may be worth choosing a supplement that contains fish, flax and evening primrose oil in one dose.
Supplement Quality Control
So you've decided to start taking fish oil, but which product do you choose? And how much? Like any supplement regimen, it's important to talk with your doctor about appropriate doses and possible contraindications. A typical dose for an average adult is 600 mg of DHA and EPA.
Once you've worked out a dosage that's right for you, it's important to note that not all fish are created equal. Deep sea fish that lived in cold waters are generally lower in the mercury and heavy metals that can pose a danger to your health. They're also generally higher in Omega 3s.
Tuna, salmon and Hoki fish from the waters off Alaska and New Zealand are known for their purity. Also, check to see that your fish oil tablets have been molecularly distilled, as they generally have fewer impurities.
On top of all that, be sure to check the label of any potential supplement to make sure it contains your daily recommended dose of both DHA and EPA. Some supplements on the market will tout the benefits of fish oil, but contain only minimal amounts of the essential fatty acids. Your doctor can help you determine a healthy dose.
Eating Fish
If you want to try eating more fish as a opposed to take supplements, eat fatty fish twice a week. These include salmon, mackerel, trout and halibut and tuna. The same rules apply for fish as food; choose fish raised in cold, deep waters, to avoid heavy metal contamination.