Protein Powder Information
Protein powder is used to help get adequate protein into the diet of athletes. Most forms of protein such as eggs or chicken, must be cooked; protein powder does not. Protein powder is much more portable and convenient because it is easily mixed with either water or milk. Most brands of protein powder available on the market today, provide 25 g of protein per scoop.
Whey protein is the most well known type of protein that is available in a powder form. There are two different types of whey protein: whey protein isolate and whey protein concentrate. Whey protein isolate is the most pure form of protein, containing 90 percent protein and little fat. Whey protein concentrate has between 29 percent and 89 percent protein depending on which product you choose. The fat and lactose are usually higher in the lower concentrations of protein. Whey protein is best taken right after a workout, to speed protein to the muscles and help them recover and grow. Another popular form of protein powder is casein protein. Casein protein digests more slowly than whey protein, making it an optimal protein powder to consume before bedtime. Casein protein can take anywhere from almost three hours to four hours to digest, giving your body a steady supply of protein. Soy protein is also available in powder form and it is non animal protein. Soy protein is developed from soy plants and has been found to reduce cancer risks. Soy can raise estrogen, so it is especially important for men to keep consumption of soy protein to a serving a day.
Protein powder helps to provide high quality protein in the diet. It can be used on a daily basis, and the recommended amount of protein in bodybuilding circles is 1 g for every pound of body weight. Protein powder is used as a supplement to a balanced diet, not as the sole source of protein. Protein powder can help to build lean muscle tissue, provide important amino acids to the body and aid the body in recovery from hard workouts.
Protein powder is meant to complement your diet. It is important to have a solid nutrition plan in place, in order to maximize the benefits of protein powder. When protein powder is consumed, it is very important also. Whey protein is best taken first thing in the morning, right after a workout and casein protein is best just before bed.
A diet high in protein is not meant for anyone that has kidney disease or anyone with digestive disturbances. It is important to note that many protein powders contain milk and egg products, so anyone with these allergies should use caution.