CytoGainer Facts
CytoGainer is made by the sports-nutrition company CytoSport, which specializes in the creation of anabolic products for athletes and body-builders. CytoSport's other products include popular supplements like Muscle Milk, Monster Milk, CytoMax and CytoLean. While some of CytoSport's products are designed for weight loss, others-- including CytoGainer and Monster Mass-- are manufactured for the sole purpose of aiding in weight gain and anabolic growth. Because of this, they contain more calories per serving than "lean" products like Muscle Milk Light.
Each serving of CytoSport contains 54 grams of protein. Much of this comes in the form of whey, a milk-sourced protein that has a strong reputation for encouraging the growth of muscle mass. Whey contains naturally occurring branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) which are essential for muscle growth; it is also an excellent source of the recovery-supporting amino acid L-glutamine. The whey in CytoGainer is partially hydrolyzed ("pre-digested") and contains very little lactose, so many consumers find it easier to digest than standard whey-based protein supplements.
Refined sugars like fructose, sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup are known to cause a variety of health problems, including Type 2 diabetes. Because of this and other health-related concerns, CytoGainer contains no refined carbohydrates. Instead, it utilizes maltodextrin, a complex, long-chain carbohydrate, as the primary source of carbohydrate-based energy. To provide a sweet flavor without adding extra refined sugar, CytoGainer also uses sucralose (trade name Splenda) as a sugar substitute. Most of the calories in CytoGainer come from complex carbohydrates and protein.
CytoGainer comes in the form of a powder, and it is typically prepared by mixing the formula with milk or water. Depending on taste preference and nutritional needs, it can also be mixed with soy milk, rice milk, almond milk, ice cream, half-and-half or cream. Due to its very high protein content, CytoGainer powder does not blend well with a spoon. A shaker-bottle or blender is typically recommended. Popular CytoGainer flavors include Cookies and Cream, Banana Cream and Chocolate Malt. Most consumers mind CytoGainer's flavor to be surprisingly pleasant when it is prepared as directed.
Unintended Effects
Protein powders and dietary supplements do not build muscle; only exercise can do that. Many people consume CytoGainer and other protein supplements under the belief that they will build muscle mass without exercise. However, excess calories-- whether in the form of protein, carbohydrates, or fats-- are stored in fat tissue unless the user regularly engages in physical, muscle-building activity. In the absence of exercise, CytoGainer will only lead to fatty weight gain, not lean muscle. Additionally, CytoGainer should not be used as a sole source of nutrition. A varied diet is essential for maintaining the health of the entire body.