How to Research Omega 3 Fish Oil for Pain
Go to websites that discuss the benefits of omega 3 fish oil. There is a wealth of information available on the Internet, with many websites devoted specifically to it (see Resources).
Go to the library or bookstore and look for books and magazines that discuss omega 3 supplements. Browse the nutritional supplement and dieting section, and you should also try to find "The Omega-3 Connection: The Groundbreaking Antidepression Diet and Brain Program" (see Resources).
Ask a doctor or pharmacist about the health benefits and pain-killing capability of omega 3. In addition, because omega 3 fish oil is commonly sold in the supplement section of most grocery stores, you can ask someone who works there about its benefits.
Ask a friend or someone in your family if they have experience taking omega 3 fish oil and find out if it was successful in reducing their pain.
Take omega 3 fish oil supplements and determine for yourself if it is successful in reducing pain.