Vitamins That Prevent Cancer
Vitamin C
In 1987 a study was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition regarding the use of vitamin C and men over a 25-year period. There were over 800 men participating in the study and the results of the study demonstrated that of the men who consumed 83mg of vitamin C daily there was a 64 percent reduction in the incidence of lung cancer over the men who consumed only 63mg of vitamin C a day. The RDI for vitamin C is 90mg a day for men and 70mg a day for women, 19 years and older. However, according to the Linus Pauling Institute, for many individuals, particularly for those who smoke, a higher intake of vitamin C may be warranted, 35mg more per day, for preventing cancer.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E supplementation for men at 50mg a day has been shown to help prevent the incidence of prostate cancer. A study published in the Journal for the National Cancer Institute in 1998 demonstrated that among the men in the study who were smokers there was a 34 percent reduction in cases of prostate cancer for the men who were supplementing with 50mg of vitamin E daily, in comparison to the men who were not receiving the supplement. The RDI for vitamin E is set at 15mg for both men and women 14 years and older.
Folic Acid
To help prevent colorectal and possibly other forms of cancer, such as cervix, brain, lung, esophageal, pancreas, and breast cancer, make sure you are getting enough folic acid every day. Folic acid is part of the class of B vitamins and the supplementation of folic acid has been studied extensively. In one study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1999, among women who consumed folic acid every day, and drank one alcoholic beverage a day, the group who consumed 600mcg of folic acid a day were approximately 50 percent less likely to develop breast cancer over the women who consumed only 300mcg of folic acid per day. The RDI for folic acid is set at 400mcg for both men and women 19 years of age and up.
Consider taking a selenium supplement. Although a deficiency in selenium is rather uncommon, those who have gastrointestinal issues, for instance Crohn's disease, are at a higher risk for developing a deficiency. Research has demonstrated that supplementing with this trace mineral can help reduce the occurrence of certain forms of cancer. One study published in 1998 in the British Journal of Urology found that with men who supplemented with 400mcg of selenium brought about a reduction in the incidence of prostate cancer, approximately 63 percent, versus the men who were taking a placebo. The RDI for selenium is set at 55mcg for both men and women over the age of 19.
The material contained herein is not meant as a substitute for professional medical advice, it is for informational purposes only.
Never take more of any vitamin then is deemed safe; always read the direction on the label for proper dosage.
If you're pregnant, or nursing, always ask your doctor before taking any vitamin supplement.