Hemp Protein Powder Nutrition
Because manufacturers often have different processing methods, the caloric content of hemp protein powder varies between brands. When companies remove more of hemp's naturally-occurring fat, they produce protein powders with fewer calories. One serving of hemp protein powder---2 tbsp. or 30 g---typically has between 120 to 134 calories.
One serving of hemp protein powder contains between 13 to 15 g of protein and includes all nine of the essential amino acids---making hemp a "complete" protein. In addition, 65 percent of the protein in hemp comes in the form of edestin, a highly digestible globulin that may have immunity-enhancing properties.
Depending on the brand and processing methods, the carbohydrate content of hemp protein powder ranges between 5 and 7 g. Of that, 1 g or less comes from natural sugars. The remaining carbohydrates consist primarily of dietary fiber, making hemp protein powder helpful for controlling blood sugar and maintaining digestive health.
In most brands of hemp protein powder, the fat content ranges from 3.5 to 6 g per serving, with minimal saturated and zero trans fat. One serving also contains a rich supply of essential fatty acids and has a favorable balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fats---which boost brain health, protect against cancer and combat heart disease.
Vitamins and Minerals
Because most hemp protein powders are minimally processed, they retain many of the vitamins and minerals found in the original hemp seed. For someone eating a 2000-calorie diet, one serving of hemp protein powder contains 24 percent of the recommended daily intake for vitamin A, 5 percent for calcium, 34 percent for iron, 38 percent for phosphorus, 75 percent for magnesium, 33 percent for zinc, 15 percent for copper and 24 percent for manganese.
Some hemp protein powders---particularly flavored varieties---may contain additional ingredients that change the nutritional profile of the product. For instance, evaporated cane juice can increase the calorie and carbohydrate content, while added salt will increase the sodium. Read the nutrition label on any hemp protein powder before you buy.