Rutin Benefits
Rutin can be used to help deal with hemorrhoids, and it has become a widely used medicine for that purpose. Hemorrhoids are quite common, and 50 percent of the population will have them in some form by age 50. Rutin helps to strengthen the capillaries around the hemorrhoid and can keep tissue from disintegrating.
There are several ways in which rutin can help the body's circulatory system. First, rutin can help increase blood flow for those who experience poor circulation. Rutin can also help people with varicose veins and bruising of the skin. Plus, since rutin can help repair capillaries, it may also help counteract high blood pressure.
Rutin's ability to cut down on bruising is just one way it can help the skin. Another way in which rutin helps with skin is that it enhances the body's ability to use vitamin C and bolsters the body's ability to make collagen. Rutin can even help the body produce antioxidants that can cut down on free radicals and protect the skin.
Major Medical Problems
Advocates of rutin believe it can be instrumental in treating major medical conditions. Those who suffer from, or who are at risk of, strokes, arteriosclerosis and senility can use rutin to help deal with those disorders, some believe. Also, rutin may be of benefit in helping older Americans deal with senility and slow the aging process.
Rutin is usually used to treat specific diseases or conditions. But it can be used as part of a daily vitamin regimen, as well. Taken with a daily multivitamin, rutin can help the body better absorb vitamins and minerals. Rutin can be taken with whatever other vitamins you're taking.