Royal Jelly Health Benefits
Nutritional Value
Royal Jelly is the only natural source of a substance called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine contains 17 amino acids, including the 8 essential amino acids, which are very important for our growth and for the operation of our immune system. It also contains antibacterial and antimicrobal characteristics. Royal Jelly also provides protein, fatty acids, B vitamins, folic acid and several other nutrients, including aspartic acid, which aids in cell, muscle and tissue growth.
Royal Jelly and the Immune System
The nutritional content of Royal Jelly, especially the acetylcholine, have been shown to significantly improve the performance of the immune system. For this reason, positive results have been seen when adding Royal Jelly as a treatment for some conditions. This includes pancreatic, liver and kidney disorders; ulcers; allergies; asthma and skin irritations. Royal Jelly can also significantly help fight off certain viral infections, and can benefit patients receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy, whose immune systems are often compromised as a result of their treatment.
Royal Jelly Inhibits Yeast Production
Royal Jelly has been shown to inhibit the normal functions of yeast, and adding Royal Jelly to your diet can help you fight off yeast illnesses such as athlete's foot or thrush. If someone had a predisposition to these conditions, they may find Royal Jelly to be a very helpful nutritional supplement.
How to Add Royal Jelly to Your Diet
Royal Jelly is often freeze dried and put into capsule form. This is the preferred method, as it "locks in" the nutritional value, and increases the shelf life to as much as four years, with no refrigeration required.
However, it's also available in a fresh, liquid form. The liquid form can be stored in the refrigerator, but can spoil quickly. Some people prefer to mix it with honey, which can keep it good for up to a year. Honey also makes it easier to include in the diet on a regular basis. Just be sure to know your liquid Royal Jelly source very well, because if the Royal Jelly becomes warm during the processing, some of the nutritional value can be lost. It is best to get it from a direct source, with no transportation involved.
Some Cautions
People who have a severe allergic reaction to pollen may also have an allergic reaction to Royal Jelly. It's important to check with your doctor before adding Royal Jelly as a nutritional supplement to your diet.
Also, be sure you're getting your Royal Jelly from a clean and reliable source. Royal Jelly is fairly easy to contaminate, and a contaminated batch would likely make you ill, however this is a rare occurrence.