Protein Powder Breakfast Nutrition Information
Calories in Protein Powder
All protein powder is not created equally. Many nutritional supplements are infused with protein powder but will actually cause you to gain weight. In a flavored 100 percent protein powder you can expect to find between 100 and 150 calories per serving. For example, flavored protein powder from Optimum 100 % Whey Protein consists of 120 to 130 calories, while on the other end of the spectrum, Universal Real Gains includes more than 600 calories per scoop and is clearly designed for weight gain.
Protein Levels
The range in protein levels among various powder products is also wide. Optimum 100% Whey Protein mix contains 24 grams of protein per serving, and you can expect to find between 20 and 30 grams per serving for similar products. Others intended to cause weight gain, however, will double that quantity, offering 50 grams or more per serving. For instance, Universal Real Gains contains 52 grams of protein per serving.
Matching Your Goals
It's important to read the labels of whichever products you are considering purchasing and to choose those that match your goals. When in doubt, find a low-calorie option with a modest protein dose---you can always use two or three scoops to increase protein intake. Only use weight gainers if you are specifically trying to bulk up.
Protein Powder in Shakes
The most common way to include protein powder as a part of your breakfast nutrition is in a fruit-based shake. Protein shakes are quick and easy to make and can provide many additional nutrients that your body needs. Combine your favorite fruits, a scoop or two of protein powder and a few handfuls of ice for an easy breakfast smoothie. Try variations including milk, yogurt, peanut butter and any other ingredients of your choosing.
Other Breakfast Uses for Protein Powder
If you get creative you can easily add protein powder to a variety of breakfast foods. For example, sprinkle a scoop of protein on your cereal or mix it in with a hot bowl of oatmeal. You can also bake your own muffins and include several scoops of protein powder in the batter.