Flaxseed Tablets Vs. Fish Oil
Omega-3s present in flaxseed tablets and fish oil have been shown to reduce blood triglyceride levels and decrease the risk of heart attack. They also help mitigate stroke risk, slow the development of athersclerotic plaques, manage high blood pressure and alleviate the joint stiffness that can come with rheumatoid arthritis. Research cited by the Omega-3 Research Institute concludes that people with Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, cancer or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder all may benefit from omega-3 supplementation.
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is the omega-3 fatty acid found in flaxseed. This fat is converted within the liver into eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and then decosahexaenoic acid (DHA), two omega-3 fatty acids that are vital for health and well-being. However, it's important to note that recent research conducted by the National Institutes of Health indicates that this conversion is less efficient than previously believed. The study concluded that ALA is a less than optimal source of EPA and DHA in the diet.
Fish oil is a natural source of EPA and DHA. Consuming fish oil allows the body to easily reap the full benefits of these fatty acids, as no conversion is required.
Mercury Contamination
Many of the fish in our oceans are contaminated with mercury, and as a result, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued warnings regarding fish consumption. Mercury is a neurotoxin and can cause everything from kidney problems to impaired cognitive function. When you choose fish oil as your source for omega-3 fatty acids, you run the risk of ingesting mercury with your supplement. Flaxseed tablets, on the other hand, are mercury-free.
Side Effects
When taken in high doses, omega-3 supplementation may cause increased risk of bleeding. As a result, it's recommended that caution be observed when taking these supplements with blood thinners. In addition, fish oil may leave a fishy aftertaste.
Fish oil and flaxseed tablets come with drawbacks. One compelling alternative to these supplements is golden algae. This algae is farmed, not harvested from the ocean, and as a result, it doesn't carry the mercury risk present with fish oil. Certain companies offer golden algae that is a direct source of both EPA and DHA; this makes it superior to flaxseed tablets, as the body doesn't need to undertake ALA conversion to obtain these two valuable omega-3 fatty acids.