Methylcobalamin Vs. Cyanocobalamin
Production of red blood cells is dependent on vitamin B-12. Injections, sublingual use (dissolving under the tongue) or oral doses of the vitamin are used to treat anemia, vitamin malabsorption, fatigue and boost the immune system. Both methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin are effective in treating conditions that have resulted in low B-12 absorption.
There are four naturally occurring cobalamines in nature and animals. There are methyl-, cyano-, hydroxy- and adenosyl-. Occurring in small amounts naturally, cyanocobalamin is manufactured in a lab and is the commonly prescribed form of B-12 vitamin.
Taking methylcobalamin or cyanocobalamin as an injection, sublingual or orally are all effective methods according to Dr. Sahelian. Given in large doses, due to the known problems with absorption, he says patients still get the amount needed even with low absorption rates. The Food and Drug Administration's recommended daily amount of B-12 in the United States is 6 micrograms daily.
Methylcobalamin has "metabolic and therapeutic" applications according to Dr. Sahelian. He notes methylcobalamin helps in the formation of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM-e), a popular mood-altering compound. Chronic Fatigue Symdrome and Fibromyalgia patients have also reported an increase in health with the use of B-12. Elevated body temperature is a side effect of methylcobalamin. Cyanocobalamin is carried by more pharmacies.
Talk with your doctor about testing your B-12 levels and prescribing methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin if the following symptoms are bothering you: fatigue, insomnia, fuzzy thoughts and memory loss, tingling in the hands or feet, ringing in the ear, headaches, dizziness or loss of balance