Weight Loss With Acacia Rigidula
Acacia Rigidula
Over 1300 trees and shrubs make up the acacia genus. Gum arabic, an often-used food additive, comes from two acacia species. Acacia rigidula grows in Texas, often on cattle ranches. Researchers noticed that cattle eating a lot of acacia rigidula in the fall developed problems such as "limber leg." They analyzed acacia rigidula and found that the shrub contained toxic substances such as amphetamines.
The studies have never been replicated, and the authors have never defended their findings. Many scientists, including the famed illicit-drug researcher Dr. Shulgin, feel there are many problems with these two studies. The amount of amphetamine in the acacia rigidula is very small (a few parts per million) in any case. And, as Dr. Shulgin noted, this would have been the first time that scientists had found a naturally occurring amphetamine. Such a shocking discovery warranted more excitement, Dr. Shulgin noted.
Amphetamines and Weight Loss
Amphetamines have been used as a weight loss aid for decades. They act as an appetite suppressant, so the user does not feel hungry. Acacia rigidula is an ingredient in a few weight loss supplements. The supplements either include caffeine and other stimulants, or do not list their ingredients. The idea that acacia rigidula is an active ingredient in any of these supplements remains doubtful. Also, the amphetamine precursor that these acacia rigidula weight loss supplements contain is called phenylethylamine HCL. A similar substance is also found in chocolate. However, the form found in these pills is almost immediately metabolized by your body. There are no remaining effects.
Supplements containing acacia rigidula rely on very little evidence to show that the herb may work to help you lose weight. The CEO of one major brand of weight loss supplement was fined $50,000 and sent to 50 months in prison in February of 2009 for illegal marketing of his products and spiking his herbal supplements with pharmaceuticals, according to an article by Mike Brunker on MSNBC. Understanding that herbal medicine is as potent as allopathic or conventional medicine is important. Also, the supplement industry is barely regulated, according to the article on MSNBC. If you are considering acacia rigidula for weight loss, consult a doctor trained in herbal medicine before beginning your weight loss program.