Vitamin B Shots & Weight Loss
Vitamin B12 Intake
The recommended daily dosage of vitamin B12 is 2.4 micrograms. Rashes, diarrhea and other skin issues can sometimes occur as a side effect of B12 injections. B12 should only be injected on the orders of a doctor, even though it is available without a prescription. The injections are not a replacement for proper diet and exercise to lose weight. B12 supplements are also available in oral form. Meat, fish and shellfish all contain significant amounts of B12.
Studies of B12
A 2003 study published in BMC Psychiatry, volume 3 issue 17, found a link between elevated B12 levels and a higher chance of treatment success for serious depression. As depression can lead to weight gain, B12 injections may indirectly assist in weight loss. Another study published in the Journal of Applied Sciences in 2008 in volume 8 issue 7 found a correlation between low vitamin B levels and higher weight in Jordanian males. Neither study conclusively indicates that taking B12 supplements assists in weight loss, but these studies hold promise for further research.
Weight Loss Clinics and B12
Many weight loss clinics advise their clients to take B12 shots. The side effects and risks are minimal, but all the same, be aware of the research that has been conducted about B12 even if you choose to enter such a program. Some of these clinics make blatantly deceptive claims about B12 injections that have not been proven by science. Even if a doctor or nutritionist is on staff, it is not an indicator that he or she is honest. Ensure that your weight loss strategy is underpinned by well-proven strategies of proper nutrition and regular exercise.